
A leather holster for a friend

December 20, 2017

Upon showing some spur straps I made for my sister, a friend of mine asked if I could do a gun holster for him.  I said, “Sure, but I haven’t made one before and I’m busy right now!”  Fast forward a few months and he handed over his gun for me to use to make the holster fit.  Fast forward several more months and I actually had time to sit down to make it.  Good thing he is patient!

So here are the pictures I took while measuring and cutting it out.  You basically trace the gun on the side and from the top, add stitching allowance and draw out the holster.  He picked a design the goes over the belt, which is a neat concept except you have to take the gun out of the holster each time you take it off the belt.

Next I stitched up the sides, sanded them down and burnished them.  After that was finished, I wet the holster, covered the gun in plastic and formed the holster to the gun.  I also did the front piece with his artwork selection, The Punisher.

It just needed to dry, then I stitched on the front piece.

Here it is after using a leather dye for the main piece, acrylic paint for the front, a sealant and then Neatsfoot oil.

I am pretty happy with how the artwork turned out, though, I am still pretty primitive in tooling.

Now he just needs to come pick it up!