Creativity | drafting | Sewing | Sewing for the girl | teen sewing

Pink prom dress

By on May 21, 2023

So last year my daughter said she wanted a dress about a month before prom, but then didn’t say anything more. Like…I need to know fabric, style, etc…are you still going?? Finally, a few weeks before prom, after hemming a friend’s daugther’s prom dress, she asked, “Am I going to get a prom dress?” Seriously, […]

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Creativity | drafting | Pattern hacking | Pinterest hacks | RTW Copies | Sewing | Sewing for the girl

Replicating a jacket

By on October 29, 2020

My teenage daughter came to me less than 2 weeks before Halloween and wanted to replicate an outfit in a music video from one of the Korean bands she likes. It was this jacket by R13, and is sold out. Not that she could buy it. It was around $900 retail. This required going to […]

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