Creativity | drafting | Pattern hacking | Sewing | Sewing for the girl | tween sewing

Elephant lover

By on April 26, 2018

Our girl was doing a research project on elephant conservation, so I decided she needed an elephant shirt to wear during her presentation.  It was a good little presentation, and she learned the awful things that happen to the poor elephants. She’s an animal lover for sure.  Right now she is thinking of becoming a […]

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Creativity | Pattern hacking | Sewing for the girl | tween sewing

A hoodie like mom’s

By on March 4, 2018

After making these hoodies for myself, the girl wanted something along the same lines. I didn’t go all out with this hoodie, however.  I decided to just modify the Foliis pattern I had from Sofilantjes. It was a pretty easy modification.  I just cut the back pieces, added a seam allowance and added the pleather/eyelet […]

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