Creativity | drafting | Sewing | Sewing for the girl


October 11, 2015

I decided I needed to make my kids some clothes to wear for our family pictures.  I was waiting for peak Fall colors and wanted to go with colors that had browns, olive greens, tans, etc.   Of course, I decided this when I didn’t have a lot of time to get it done.  I also didn’t want to have to buy anything for it.

I was hoping to upcycle a few things and use some scrap fabric that I had.

This jacket was from a scrap of fabric that a friend gave me at a sewing retreat.  She didn’t like to keep scrap yardage and was going to toss it.  It is a nice thick knit.  I decided to make my daughter a knit jacket out of the fabric, but knew I would have to patch up part of it to get all of the yardage I needed.

20151011-DSC_0042There were literally just bits and pieces of fabric left when I was done with this jacket.  As you can see the skirt part of the jacket is a bunch of fabric patched together and topstitched.


I also had to do some scrounging for buttons.  Dude, I have HUNDREDS of buttons, but do you think I had ones the right size, matching, with enough to do the front and button cuffs?  Nope.  I had some that were close, so I used the 5 matching for the front and the 4 smaller matching ones for the cuffs.


I drafted the pattern using a basic bodice block as the starting point.  I added 1.5 inches to the front, drafted a facing and collar, added a back facing, and button cuffs to the sleeves.  The back peplum type skirt of the jacket comes into the front piece.

The skirt was made from wool and a stretch twill.  It is completely lined.  I figured the wool would be itchy, so I wanted to make sure it was completely lined.  I did it a lot like this skirt here, only I sewed leather strips over the tucks.  After all of that, it looks very much like a steampunk/Victorian type of outfit.

20151011_3868Both their shirts are upcycled from shirts from my hubby and I.  The Boy’s shirt is an nice Italian sweater that is a mixture of wool/tencel, and I know why my hubs never wore it.  It is itchy.  I made the boy suffer for pictures, though.  I am mean like that. 😉

20151011_3874My daughter’s upcycled shirt is one that was a bit short for me.  I used the existing hem on that, so yes…it was short.  Both were very easy upcycles.  I did recut the arms for the Girl’s top, but kept the neckline and shoulder seams intact for both.

I also made the feather hairpiece for her outfit.  I just covered a big clip with some heavy fabric and hot glued to feathers onto it.  Not too hard.


Glad the family pictures are done, though I wasn’t overly happy with all of them.  I forgot my remote for my big camera, and it was HOT.  Way too warm for our intended-for-cooler-weather clothes.  We haven’t been overly lucky with weather for the past few years.  Maybe next year will be better!

    1. Thanks, Lori! Yes, they are definitely growing fast. Pretty soon my boy is going to be taller than me!

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