Creativity | Sewing

2020 makes…not the most stellar year

January 2, 2021

As I reflect on 2020 creations, I really didn’t get that much done. So much for being able to devote time to my hobbies over the quarantine. We did catch up on on a lot of movies and tv series, though.

Here is what I accomplished for sewing, for the most part. I know there is at least two tank tops missing and several masks. It was close to around 35 sews, not including masks.

I also made some surface designs and a few other random designs during the year. This is just 9, but I made different versions of these. I probably made close to 20 designs, which, again, wasn’t much.

I also made some horsehair and leather bracelets for my sister from her horse that passed away.

I think that is most of what I created this year. I also did a lot of cooking, which, in truth is what took a lot of time away from anything else. In addition to binge watching Netflix and drinking wine. It was quarantine after all!

Now our kids’ volleyball seasons are starting up, and if they get to go to all of their tournaments, they will be running for the next three months. I need to set up some projects where I can stitch them up in our hotel room, since I know I will just have to drop off for at least a couple of them, and won’t be able to go in to watch. Should be a stressful few months, with lots of last minute changes. Can’t wait.

I’m going to make up a 2021 list to accomplish. Mostly I just need to not buy anything, or much of anything. I actually didn’t buy much this past year, so I just need to continue that trend.