Hair | Outfits

A cooler day

July 21, 2011

It was only supposed to be around 90 today, so Hoo-ya!  a cool down!  My kids were at a baseball game yesterday for their camp, and it was probably the hottest, most-humid day we will get all year.  Thankfully, their camp counselors were spraying them with water and they used the money I gave them for drinks to buy cotton candy and ice cream.  At least the ice cream cooled them down.

This outfit was inspired by this one from Sally.  I had some pretty similar pieces, so I thought I would try them together.  This skirt is a little big for me, so it really needs a fitted top.  It’s a bit on the poofy side, but the material is rather interesting.  I has metal fibers in it, so it keeps that crinkly shape.  It is lined with satin, so it is pretty comfy to wear, too.

White sleeveless poplin top – Express

Vest – Michael Kors (thrifted)

Skirt – CAbi

Shoes – Circa Joan & David

Jewelry – Claire’s (I think??)

Hair Day #14 –

I was going to take all those braids from yesterday and put them in a simple bun with some hairsticks, but sleeping on it overnight just made it look a bit undone.  So…I took out all the braids and put in one that goes across the back.  Then I put it in a bun with my hairsticks.  Then I took it out of the hairsticks.  I figured I would leave it down during the day until it started to bother me.  Which it did..eventually.