Creativity | home decorating | Surface design

A little bit of wallpaper

November 15, 2021

Oh hey…hi. I know it has been awhile. I have not been really sewing or doing much of anything, really. Just trying to make it through my teens last few years of high school. I have a high school junior and senior now, and how fast did that happen??

So…this is a little project I wanted to do since our stools have scraped up the wall of the island. I also saw somewhere that a DIY hack for islands was to put wallpaper on them as an “accent” of sorts. This got my little creativity hyped, so I went ahead and drew a tile design with several of my designs in it. I used 8 unique designs and just made sure to stagger them so they weren’t close to each other on the repeat. I also did one with an aged appearance that I didn’t end up using:

I wasn’t sure how big to make them, and in hindsight, I think I should have made the tiles bigger on the design. The background seemed more of a yellow-cream in the design I uploaded, but ended up being more off-white when printed.

I had two options for ordering the wallpaper. One was through Spoonflower (which rarely has sales) and the other was through Society6. I ended up going with Society6, with a 30% off and a designer “refund”. They paid me a commission on the sale even though it was me that ordered it. Go figure.

Make sure you use your math and don’t be like Stacy. I thought I had ordered enough and that last section against the wall is a bit cobbled together. Luckily these are squares, so not too hard to turn this way and that to get everything to fit together.

This also didn’t take very long to do, and I even had bronchitis while I did it. After laying around for a week and watching my house get messier and messier I had to get up and do some projects.

First I prepped the walls by washing them and smoothing out the gouged areas with some sandpaper.

Then I just measured and cut each area. This is stick on wallpaper, so pretty easy and not messy. I could pull it off and reset it when things got wonky.

I had a scant 1/4″ overlap on the side wall, but it was enough. This also proved just how not level everything is in this house as I match up the lines and it didn’t end up being level with the floor. Not a surprise. At all.

The only issue I have is that it is too royal blue, and at a distance the red and royal blue close together makes it look purple-y. *sigh* I really should have done a better job at matching the blues (take a picture of the paint and load it into photoshop to pick the color), but I was lazzzzzzzzy.

Here it is with the stools that will inevitably gouge holes in the wallpaper, thereby giving me an excuse to do a different design. And the cycle repeats. 😉

This was a kitchen makeover that we did ourselves a good 10+ years ago. I painted the old oak cabinets, we added the slate tiles and custom tiles and the new counter tops. Eventually I want to gut and start over, but in the meantime I’ll do a little here or there to update things.

Next DIY projects needs to be repainting the pantry/laundry room/garage entry from the yellow to an off-white color to brighten it up in there. I may even get crazy and paint the laundry room cabinets.