Creativity | Sewing

Baby stuff

June 28, 2010

Time to make some baby stuff for the little babe that the purple knit hat was destined for. 

The baby shower was on Saturday, and she got lots of fun stuff.  It’s always so fun to see all the cute stuff that people pick out for the baby showers.  She got a nice wide range of clothes for her little Livia. 


I also finally got the tote bag made for my Grandma Jo to replace the one that was stolen.  Not sure if it is exactly the same dimensions, but hopefully it will work.  She’s not into fancy things, so I kept the colors muted.  The brown on the outside is a nice sturdy decorator chenille, with silk for the pockets.  The inside is moleskin with a few more pockets, and the handle is interfaced silk with webbing.


Time to share a link, too!

Look at these adorable Mei Tai’s by Hunbaba.  Most who have read this blog for awhile know I used to make Mei Tai’s for sale and loved to make them with pretty silk panels in the front.  While these don’t have silk, she does embroidery and they look fantastic.


I was hoping to get more done last week, as I took Friday off of work.  Unfortunately, I didn’t get much else finished up.  Oh, I had such plans!  Fourth of July outfits??  Probably notgonnahappen.


  1. Diane stole my comment about your great eye for fabric combinations! I love the colors and textures of the tote bag! And the baby gifts – how fun! Now if only I could convince Mr. Daddy we had a need for those 🙂

  2. Ditto on the gorgeous fabrics for the babe! I used something similar for the BA’s crib ruffle all those years ago. I bet your Grandma was pleased to get a replacement bag!The chenille is so unusual and the silk goves it a very classy finish.
    I’ve done some embroidery lately but had to give it as a present before I got to take the picture:-(

  3. Love those baby gifts. I know the baby and mom will cherish those. It always seems like days off fly by too quickly. I always plan a gazillion things and usually only accomplish a few if I am lucky.

  4. I get SO many questions about where my mei tai comes from, and then people get all sad when I tell them my friend who doesn’t make them anymore, so I’ll have to check out that link and bookmark it. Sophia was giving Henry her taggie blanket that you made for her the other day and I thought of you!

  5. Wow, you made me tai like that? Those look great. Wish I’d known about them much much earlier. I bet they were a bit time consuming to make though. 😉

    Pretty baby girl gifts though. I’m taking Friday off this week but don’t think I’ll be doing anything excepting cleaning for the weekend. LOL

  6. I love these! I haven’t attempted a taggy blanket, but surely I could accomplish that. I’m out of the sewing mood right now, despite having tons of fabric just calling my name. I’m in a place where I prefer to applique.

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