Creativity | drafting | Sewing | Sewing for the boy | Sewing for the girl


September 9, 2015

These suckers were harder than I thought they would be.  I decided to make my kids new lunchboxes as their old ones had seen better days.  They get used usually 4 days a week during school, so they need to be able to take a lickin’ and keep on truckin’.  They also need to be able to be wiped clean.

On both of the lunchboxes I adhered iron-on laminate.  All the turning inside out, and right side out again, tended to separate it from the cotton in spots.  It is still attached due to the stitching, but not totally against the fabric.

The first one here had some issues on making it look decent.  I was trying to get all of the seams enclosed, and that just didn’t work.


The inside definitely has some wonky-ness to it.  It isn’t fantastic on the inside.  You can’t really pin this fabric with the laminate, and clover clips don’t work in all of the places.  This allows things to shift and not line up appropriately.

I am pretty sure she won’t notice it too much.


The boy wanted one with two pockets.  One for lunch and one for snacks.  I did his in a square, hoping to be able to put this one together better.  Instead of trying to enclose seams, I just bound them in bias tape.


The inside is a mixture of fabrics.  I have the inside portion of some black out curtain material that was slippery.  I figured it would wash up fine, and it was something I could use those extra bits up in.  I also put a layer of plastic that I had from a bedding set that I purchased.  I need to wash these up before the kids using them, but they should be fine.  They really don’t have loose food rolling around in them all that much.  Maybe an apple, but likely that will be in a sandwich bag after being cut apart.


I don’t know how this one ended up not sitting straight and being at a goofy angle.  I cut everything the same, with the same seam allowances.  So frustrating.  Ugh!!  I got it done, and was like what the hell went wrong??  

The zipper does also not really meet up very well.  It is off an inch or so.


After procuring more laminate, Wondertape and insulation batting, I will be attempting new ones.  The perfectionist in me cannot allow my kids to take wonky lunch boxes THAT I MADE to school.  If I had bought them, it would be fine.

Type A, Man.  It would be so much easier to just let things slide sometimes.