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Pinteresting project – January

February 4, 2014

I am not a big pinner on Pinterest, but I do pin things that interest me or things I would like to make.  My little personal challenge this year was to make at least one thing from my Pinterest “to make” board each month.

I already made this scarf, which was a December project.  That doesn’t count, right?

Onto January!

The first thing I decided to make last month was this shirt:


I am not sure if it was the fabric or the cut, but it has been repinned a lot from my board.  I thought I would try to recreate it with this fabric, which is a floaty fabric, though not a see-through chiffon type like the shirt above.


That was what I had in my “stash”, and I am really, really trying not to buy more fabric.  It’s sorta working.  If you are so inclined, I found a similar chiffon on Stylish Fabrics for less than $4/yard.  I think this takes about 1.5-2 yards of fabric.

I drafted the shirt, but did the front neckline a bit wrong.  I had too much fabric on it, so I just sewed it down.  It is where it kicks back to towards the sleeve.  That triangle needs to go.


I could have made the back neckline wider, too.  I also didn’t make the arms wide enough to have a gather on it.  That is what happens, though.  I am quite used to things not working out on draft #1.  We’ll see if I make it again.  I think you really need a light chiffon type of fabric on the bias for it to really have the flow for how it is supposed to fit.

I also think I needed to make the pattern pieces wider for a wider overlap on the front.  Maybe I will try to make it again.  We’ll see.


My next Pinterest try is this skirt, which is in process and will be completed in February:


To be continued…


  1. That looks great, I am so impressed on your pattern drafting skills. I should follow your lead and actually do things from my Pinterest boards!

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