Stuff I made


January 10, 2014

I have been sewing lately, so I will get some posts together for things I have made!

First off, I have a few new purses I made from a pleather alligator fabric.  I LOVE both of these bags.  Seriously.  I carry them everywhere with me.  I used the basic outside measurements from bags I already had, and then went to town in doing my own thing.

This purse was fun to make.  I have made a few other leather ones in this style, so I just used the same pattern.  I added the front pocket and did the strap different, though.  I got the chains for the handle at Michaels, and just used whatever hardware I had lying around to put it together.


This is my laptop/work crap/carry all bag.  It is about 16″ wide x 11″ tall.  Fits a lot of stuff.  This will be a great carry on bag for a plane ride, too.  I used a strap I had in my stash as the strap on the bag.   I need to find some pretty silver snaps to replace the plastic ones it came with.  A little chrome action will make it look a little better.  I like my makes to look as RTW, as possible.  I have enough experience sewing that my stuff really shouldn’t look homemade.


So…that is what I am carrying these days!