Creativity | Sewing

Random sewing things when I had a few spare minutes

June 5, 2013

So…I have sewn a few other things over the past few months, but they are rather unimpressive.

I put elastic into these shorts for the Girl.  She is a skinny minny, and these shorts didn’t have the button elastic in them.  I just opened up the waistband and threaded elastic into them.  I got them at Zulily, so obviously I couldn’t bring them back.  One pair was wayyyyy too big, but both were really going to fall off of her.  Now she has some blingy shorts that fit.

Oh, and I also had to fix a pair of brand new sandals that she had wore, about TWO times.  Broke them right apart.  Needle and thread to the rescue!  Hopefully, she can wear them a bit more.  Why is it that the $5 flip flops last longer than the $25 sandals?

This is a padded cover for my nook that the Girl helped me make.  She did the straight quilting lines on it.  I made the lines with tailor’s chalk and she sewed them up.  Not everything is straight and pucker free, but it turned out just fine and serves it’s purpose well.

Then here are a few one-piece swimsuits that the Girl said don’t fit her.


Here is #1 – It was cut too high in the front and back for the bottom, and then not cut low enough on the neckline.  My serger also hated this fabric, so I didn’t use it very much on it.

Here is #2 – The bottom was good on this one, but I cut it too low on top.  I think it was due to the fact that the first suit was much stretchier than this one.  It didn’t pull up quite so much, so it ended up being a bit too low cut.  I ended up crossing the straps in the back and that helped.  Next one will need about an inch or so higher neckline, depending on the fabric.

I didn’t use any elastic for this swimsuit, and just edged it all in swimsuit fabric.  I really liked how the white made the edges pop a bit.  I think it would have been too plain without the white.

They are headed for a new home with a smaller girl.  Hopefully, they will fit her.  Back to the drawing board on that one!

Right now I have a nice long list of things that I want to sew:

– Draft a new fitted pencil skirt pattern for me.  I could BUY one, but what fun is that??

– Make a Mei Tai for an old babysitter that had her baby in January.  Yeah…terribly late, but she can still use it if I get it done in the next month.  Back carry is the best for getting some naps in while doing the laundry.

– Short-sleeved work shirts for me, and I have a lot of nice fabric to use for them.

– Shorts for the Boy

– Another purse!

Right now I need to clean up my room, though, since it will have some overnight guests this week.  That is the hard part about having your sewing room be the guest room, too, but at least I have one!

  1. So… I would totally buy that second bathing suit! You are right, the white really makes it pop!

    Love all your recent pieces!

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