Outfits | Stuff I made

Red and gray

November 2, 2012

Well, it was a Tuesday and I was tired…so I decided to brighten up my day with a bit of red.

Being tired has been pretty much par for the course lately.  I’ve been feeling a bit down, and that is not helping.  Nothing like being on the edge of tears all the time because you are tired and depressed!


I need to work on posing with this wide-angle lens indoors.  I looked much thinner in the bathroom mirror. 😉

I’m afraid after wearing these shoes this time, they may need to go.  They appear to be disintegrating on the inside.  Big bummer, since I really like these shoes.  They are a comfortable height, which is pretty rare in my shoe closet!

Sweater – thrifted

Knit jacket – Starling via Von Maur

Pants – CAbi (Fall 2012)

Shoes – Nine West

Jewelry – Made by Me

Hair –  Half-up do…I took the front and put it in a small bun and left the rest go au naturale.

  1. You look slim and willowy in these pictures, and I love the red with the grays.

    I hope you start feeling better. I know this time of year is hard for a lot of peeps, myself included. Although I tend to react by hiding in the bed for long naps.

  2. Argh, I can related about the tiredness and all that, lately I have been very tired and not feeling the energy I should to do all my projects and chores. It’s very disappointing.
    Regardless, you look very good on the photos and if it wasn’t for you mentioning it, I would never have thought that you looked tired 🙂

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