Family | Sewing

Ren Faire, 2011

September 18, 2011

This weekend was time for our annual trek to the faire.  I was a beautiful, chilly and overcast day.  Usually those days are when it isn’t so packed, but this day it was definitely packed.  We got there around 10:30 and stayed until almost 6pm (closing time).  Our friends from Madison came up and stayed overnight for the weekend and went to the faire with us.  We all had a very good time!

I had warned the kids that it was going to be chilly and to dress accordingly.  Of course, they did not listen.  We tried to buy some sweatshirts, but they had no little kid ones.  We went to the first children’s clothing store and scored some capes.  Thus began the day of buying lots of stuff for them…

Most of what we bought for them was rides and some faire food.  Kailan did talk Daddy into buying him some “armor”, though.  He looked quite fetching in his little outfit with his new bracers.  Anya was wearing her princess dress that I made her for her birthday, plus the new sparkly cloak.

This was the first “ride”.  It was a bouncy trampoline thing, where the bounciness is on hydraulics.  The kids loved it, and I also went on it after they did.  It looked like fun, and then I realized why I don’t like rides.  Something about my stomach being in my throat and finding that whole experience a bit unsettling.

Yes…I do scream like a little girl. 😉

They also wanted to climb up this rock wall.  They both got about halfway up and decided that was enough.  I was closer to Kailan than to Anya, and he got down just fine by pushing off the wall.  Anya on the other hand didn’t stop from saying, “I want to get down!” long enough to listen to what the helper guy was saying.  Luckily she listens when Mommy yelled up at her to listen and follow instructions.

Just for the record…I did not go on the climbing wall, though I wanted to do that, too.

They did the other rides that they normally do, too.  They rode the camel and elephant, and about three other “human powered” rides.  We were trying to explain the theory of gratuities to the wee ones, as well.  The people doing the rides for the kids were basically pushing young’uns for 10 hours a day, and we were only the ones that we could see that tipped the workers.  The rides were only $2/$3 each.  We were hoping the other parents would learn this theory, along with the children.

We also watched glass blowers and a blacksmith, and *almost* bought another sword.  Maybe next year…

We had such a good time, as usual!

On a sewing related note…

Kailan wanted some new knight clothes for the faire, and I had little to no time to get it done.  He asked me Thursday night, and our friends were coming on Friday.  That doesn’t work well when your sewing room is the guest room.  I did a “simple” vest.  It was just pleather, so I didn’t have to hem it or anything.  I cut buttonholes, and didn’t even finish them.  The longest part was drawing the dragon on the back, so after the kids went to bed I copied the dragon from his shield onto the back with metallic gold and silver pens.  The next day he was trying everything on and he saw it was wiping off a little.  I sprayed it with a coat of clear sealant spray, and that seemed to keep the smudging at bay.  He wore it with a shirt I made him a few years ago and some basic black pants I made him this spring.

  1. I always love seeing this faire, it is so unique! That jacket is superb and the new leather (what did you call them?) bracers? make the whole thing look really authentic. I have always wanted to try that trampoline thing. The BA used to do it whenever we went to a show/fair. She could spin over in somersaults and everything. I am afraid there are parts of my anatomy nowadays that do not cope with a step aerobics class, let alone an elastic jumpy thing!!!!!!!!!! Rock wall….hmmmm….I’d give THAT a go though.
    Great shots as usual!

  2. So fun! I love how kids just think you can whip up a little something in no time…I guess it is great they have such faith in us, right? I love the vest!

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