Creativity | Sewing

Vacation sewing – floor pillow seat

January 10, 2012

I saw a tutorial online for one of these and I wanted to make one for the entertaining room in the basement.   I think the tutorial stuffed it with batting, but I really wanted to stuff it with the many, many fabric scraps that I have.  It also gives it some durability, so an adult can sit on it.  If it just were batting, then I would pretty much fall to the floor upon sitting on it.  The only thing with stuffing it with fabric scraps is that it makes it lumpy.  To make it look better, I put 1 inch foam on the top and the bottom prior to stuffing it through the side seam.  I affixed them to the top with large pins while I was stuffing it so they wouldn’t move.

Now Kai wants one for his room. 🙂  Good thing I have more fabric scraps!

The circle is 20 inches across and about 62 inches around.  I sewed the piping on before sewing on the the side piece, too.  Much easier to sew when you don’t have to keep everything in place at the same time.

  1. That looks awesome! If I were better at sewing, I would totally make some for my house…but I have a feeling if I tried that they would be too lopsided to sit on. Ha!

  2. Love the colours and the fabric choice too. By the by, in Australia we call this kind of floor cushion a ‘pouf’, short for pouffe (poofay)a French word I suspect. I’m pretty sure most Australians have no idea of the word’s meaning or origins, they just like saying ‘throw us the pouf’ and then rolling around with schoolboy like laughter!!

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