Hair | Outfits | Stuff I made

Casual day

July 10, 2011

I was soooo tired this morning.  It was a long week, and I was so glad to see Friday.  We had some friends over for dinner the night before and I was up late cleaning everything afterwards.  The next morning I just picked out something quick and easy to wear.  Thus, not quite imaginative, but it was good enough.

Shirt – Me

Capris – Anne Taylor LOFT

Shoes – Naturalizer

Jewelry – Me

Hair Day #7 – This is a style that I do quite often.  I take the front section and twist it around and pin it.  Basically, I twist as you would do a bun, but since my hair is so long it is too high.  I then just topple it over and then pin it on.  This is what I do instead of using a headband or a clip to get my hair away from my face.  Since my hair is so thick, I need substantial headbands and they annoy the crap out of me about 2 hours after I put it on.  This is a much better solution for me.