Creativity | Review

January in review

February 8, 2019

As it was sooooo hard to keep up with my weekly updates, I decided to opt for an easier to handle monthly update.

I had some words picked out for 2019 to focus on:

  • Satisfied – This relates to my work life.  I want to have a new job that I will be satisfied with and won’t cause me to want to quit right away.
  • Simplify – This relates to home life.  Once I get a new job, I won’t be around home as much.  I want to make sure there isn’t as much to do around the house and make sure everyone knows what their “job” is around the house.  I would like to get rid of the “excess stuff” in the house, and make sure I finish up projects before going back to work, so they won’t be hanging over my head and stressing me out.
  • Self-discipline – This relates to my creative life.  If I want to create and make money from those creations I need to be disciplined.  Less time on Facebook and surfing the web, and more time learning what it takes to make a go at creating a real business from this side hustle.  I have really felt the lack of love in doing pattern testing and strike-off sewing in the last 6 months or so.  I really like the companies I have been involved in, but I just need to focus more on my own efforts in those areas.  I know I will try to stay involved with at least 2, but once my job situation changes I won’t have the time to do advertising for them.


  • I had a job interview with a company I think I would like to work for, but the only problem is it is downtown.  They did say they could be flexible, as long as you got your work done.  We’ll see if they like me enough to bring me back!  That was stressful, since it has been 18 years since I had an interview.  I did some prep work, so hopefully I was impressive enough.  Pinterest has these great cheat sheets to help you get an idea of what to ask, how to prepare, resume ideas, etc.
  • I do need to get my resume out there in the meantime.  Seems like hiring takes awhile these days.

I have worked on the house a bit this past month.

  • Spot repainted the kitchen cabinets.  I need to repaint some of the handles where it has worn off, but need some warmer weather for that.  I bought some spray paint for those, so it needs to be done outside.
  • Went through some of the closets and have stacks of things to giveaway.  I went through my fabric and sent a box of fabric away to a little friend that is learning to sew.  I also have some set aside to sew up for charity.  I need to get that done so I can get a box out to the Wanablee school on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.
  • I have kept up on our financials, and created a budget for the first time.  We were pretty good last month, but this month is shaping out to be pretty expensive with sports and wine releases.  I actually didn’t spend anything on fabric or clothes last month, so that was a pretty big deal! 😉
  • I got our 2018 Blurb book done in early January, but I still need to get 2017 redone after losing it due to an outdated program.  That is hanging over my head now!

  • I did not take on any pattern tests and only did one fabric strike-off.  I have been really choosey of my time in that regard.  This was my strike-off, which I loved.

  • I have mostly kept up with the 52 week projects.  I didn’t get one week done, as we had a house guest staying for a week in my sewing room.  I was able to be semi-productive for January, though! For real…my favorite thing has to be my new underwear.  You get a lot of mileage out of them, and they are comfy and pretty!
  • I still spend too much time on social media.  I need to kick my butt in the mornings and get a move on.  I spend too much time drinking coffee and surfing the web instead of being productive.  It is a time waster.  If I’m going to be sitting around doing nothing, I could at least read a new book.  I’ve got a lot I need to catch up on, so no lack of reading material in the house.
  • I haven’t been able to sell any of my fabrics that I had put up on Spoonflower.  That seems to be a bit of a waste of time and money at this point.  I’m sure it takes quite a bit of marketing to get sales, and honestly I’m not really motivated to do that at this point.  I haven’t sold anything on Society6 either.  I think I either need to create marketing pages on Instagram and Facebook for StacyCK Designs, or just not waste my time in putting my artwork up there.  I really do enjoy making designs, but I haven’t had any luck in marketing them.  What is mostly holding me back is the whole not wanting to annoy people with marketing.  Some people don’t seem to have a problem with it, but I do.
  • I have been going through some of my old designs and redoing them.  It has come up with some interesting and pretty variations.  Now to put them to work!


  • I have been doing pretty well on keeping up with my weekly planner.  I carry it with me nearly everywhere, and it does help me stay focused on what needs to happen. My 2018 one was well used, so it seems I got in a good habit.  I use it for schedules (I do a weekly one), drawing, lists…everything is in there.  Instead of having notes all over the place, I have everything in here!  It has high quality blank pages, so it lends itself well to doing multiple things with it.  I sit down on Sunday nights usually and make up the week ahead.  I am using some of my old scrapbooking supplies to decorate the weeks, or list pages.  It makes it a little more fun, and makes me feel better putting to use all those old supplies.

That is my month in a nutshell!