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Oil tanned laptop bag

May 29, 2019

Well, it happened. I got a job. No more sleeping in, drinking coffee and checking Facebook for the first half of the day. 😉 No…now I have to actually use my brain again! It should be interesting and challenging, which is something my last job wasn’t for several years. I’m looking forward to it!

Now, I already made a white and black laptop bag, so I decided I needed a brown one. I designed some fabric for the interior, and ordered it on denim for the weight (and to see how it printed).

I already had the oil tanned leather cowhide, but needed to make a stop at Tandy for the rest of the hardware.

This bag is a little different from the white one, where I boxed the bottom edge of the bag and didn’t make the curve so severe around the top edges. That didn’t go well last time, so I wanted it more gradual.

The inside has Peltex on the bottom, fusible fleece on the sides of the exterior and interior, and foam on the sides with two layers of foam on the bottom. For the side with the side pocket, I cut a hole for the pocket to go through instead of trapping it in between the fusible fleece and the foam. This allows better use of it.

I still did a lot of hand-sewing. The handles were all hand-sewn and the interior was handsewn to the exterior at the zipper.

When I start these projects I don’t always have everything planned out ahead of time. I had the base pattern drafted, stole the front pockets from my hip purse, and just figured out the rest as I went along. I have lots of hardware, and purchased more for this project, so that helps if I change my mind along the way.

I love how it turned out!

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