Hair | Outfits | Stuff I made

Really red

June 28, 2012

Last night it was time for a fresh dye job.  I use Natural Instincts Light Auburn temporary dye…3 boxes of it.  I started using the temporary dye probably around 10 years ago.  By this time, it doesn’t really wash out since I have dyed it so many times.  My roots get a bit visible, but they aren’t different enough for it to be too bad when they grow out.  I try to only dye it once every 3 months.  Right now my hair is driving me batty.  For the last year, it doesn’t feel nice and smooth like it used to feel.  It feels like it has build-up in it and I have used clarifying shampoos, switched shampoos/conditioners, wash more often and less often…sometimes it will feel fine for a week, and then it will go back.

Hair and hormones…such a weird thing.  My hair was stick straight most of my life until I got pregnant with my oldest.  Then it started to get a wave in it.  That was just great.  I could pretty much sit on my hair and it started growing out a wave!  After I had my daughter I decided to cut it off to see how much of a curl it had in it, so twelve inches went to Locks of Love.  I still had plenty of hair, though, and it just had a nice wave.  It wasn’t like the girl in Brave, that is for sure!  After another two years of growing it out, I donated another 8 inches to Pantene’s Beautiful Length program (more of the hair ends up in wigs for that one, since Pantene pays a lot of the program costs).  That was about 3 years ago.  I’m not sure if I will donate any time soon again.  (fyi: You can donate colored hair, as long as it hasn’t been bleached).

On to the outfit!  This is as close as I can get to pattern mixing.  Hopefully, it works.  The top is another one that I made, and I believe I bought the fabric to match those shoes.  I didn’t really have much to match them, but they are nice and comfortable.  They are one of the rare sensible heels in my closet.  Most of my heels are in the 3″ and up range.  There are times that my bad back rebels at that, so sensible heels are needed…occasionally.

Top – Made by Me

Skirt – Old Navy

Shoes – Naturalizer

Necklace – JC Penny

Earrings – Silver Jewelry (the jewelry is “free” and they rotate about 4 pieces at a time.  You still need to pay for shipping and a necklace for pendants, but they are nice quality.  I have bought several pieces from them.)

Hair – Obviously…straightened (obviously…missed some spots).  I had left the conditioner in after dying it the night before, since it felt dry.  This means it is a bit oily, but I think it needed it.   Straightening it dried the oils out a little bit, at least.

  1. your hair is vibrantly gorgeous!! I use to use the same color and brand until the gray was just too much for it and now I have to have it professionally done. I hate the maintenance and cost!
    Love looking at the things you make yourself!

  2. Long time reader, first time commenter 🙂
    But Stacy, you are gorgeous! And you are also my big hair inspiration…keep on rocking 🙂

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