Creativity | Sewing | Sewing for the boy

It’s football season! Errr…well, perhaps I’m late.

February 22, 2011

I wanted an excuse to use some football grosgrain ribbon that I purchased, so I made the little man a football outfit. I know…football is over.  Did I ever tell you that I was good at procrastination?  Well, mainly it was just lack of inspiration.  I am highly inspired to stencil lately.  Thus, loads of stenciling going on over here.  Just wait until you see what I drew for the Girl’s shirts/dresses.

He was not pleased that I was putting off making him Pokemon shirts in order to make some football stuff.  The kid is obsessed with Pokemon right now.  Until next week, I’m sure.

I did a redesign on the pants to make the pockets a straight slash across. It is easier to put the ribbon on it that way, and the curved pocket was a bit big anyways.  I made sure that the pants were long enough so he could wear them next Fall, too. Hopefully. He grows pretty fast!

Then he wanted something else (demanding, isn’t he??)…

He is really into Pokemon right now, so he wanted some Pokemon shirts. I have just one one so far…he has asked for more…he will have to wait.

This is Onix…I think he could have picked an uglier one, but not by much. 😉  I printed a coloring page off the Internet and traced it.  This is not as exciting to do as it sounds…but he is appreciative, so I will suppress my angst at using cartoon characters in my sewing.

I also have a new swimsuit for the Girl made, but I’ll post the girl stuff next time.  I think the Boy has enough stuff for right now, since I’ve made him 3 pairs of pants and 4 shirts in about the last week.

It’s the Girl’s turn right now.  Perhaps me, too.  I have a few things cut out for me, and I just need to work on them.  We’ll see..

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