Charity | Life musings | Sewing

Mask making and quarantine sewing

April 14, 2020

Like so many others, once we were given the “go ahead” to sew masks due to the shortage of surgical masks…I dug in. I really didn’t have the supplies for prolonged mask making, and, oh yeah, I have a full time job still. There are some glorious ladies that are working their fingers to the bone to make hundreds of masks. I have made probably north of 60 that I have donated and given to family, and am pretty shortly done with it all.

There were a couple of posts on Facebook that resonated with me on this whole subject. People have come out of the woodwork asking for sewists to make them masks. Some are just expecting them to be free. Like…really? I do get it for healthcare workers, though, it irritates me that their facilities aren’t offering to pay the sewists to provide masks for their people. All the supplies and time that sewists are putting into them are being taken for granted. Then…what happens to all this hard (free) work once the manufacturing facilities catch up? I really, really hope the workers take their masks and store them away for the next time this happens.

Long story short…fabric and notions are not cheap. Pony up the money if you are asking Sally next door to make 10 masks for your family.

I have made one tunic top and a pair of leggings during quarantine, and other than that I have made masks. I have a small shipment from Spoonflower coming in this week (hopefully) and once I have those done…I am not making anymore.

I need to do some self-care. I sure hope the sewists that are working so hard on masks do, as well. I have some anxiety, and some health risks (hypertension and asthma), and I need to get back to exercising and get some fresh air. My blood pressure meds are not working well right now.

Stay healthy…we will get through this!